2次元検出器方式による cosα法を用いた残留応力測定手法について
For residual stress measurement method using a cosα method by the two-dimensional detector system
野末 秀和 Hidekazu NOZUE 内山 宗久 Munehisa UCHIYAMA 加藤 達也 Tatsuya KATO 渕上 静也 Seiya FUCHIGAMI
cosα methodDebye ringHighly portableOn-siteResidual stress measurementX-ray diffraction
For residual stress measurement method using a cosα method by the two-dimensional detector system
野末 秀和 Hidekazu NOZUE 内山 宗久 Munehisa UCHIYAMA 加藤 達也 Tatsuya KATO 渕上 静也 Seiya FUCHIGAMI
カテゴリ: 第11回
キーワードタグ:cosα methodDebye ringHighly portableOn-siteResidual stress measurementX-ray diffraction
The on-site residual stress measurement by the conventional XRD method is difficult because of the size of the equipment. For mainly on-site measurement and also u sing in the production line, we have developed the portable x-ray residual stress analyzer which is compact size e and short measurement time. The analyzer is usin cosα method, not sin2psi method which is used for conventional XRD stress measurement, and measure the stress from the complete Debye ring information by single a le X-ray exposure. In this report, I present an overview of the measurement principal of the X-ray residual stress measurement by cosα method and its advantages.