塑性変形を考慮した深穴穿孔法による 部材内部残留応力の高精度評価法の開発

A highly accurate residual stress measurement method by the deep hole drilling technique considering the effect of plastic deformation
望月 正人 Masahito MOCHIZUKI 岡野 成威 Shigetaka OKANO 北野 萌一 Houichi KITANO
カテゴリ: 第10回


The Deep hole drilling (DHD) technique has received much attention as a measurement method for through-thickness residual stress. In the past, however, the traditional DHD technique has ignored the effects of plastic deformation around a reference hole, which has been occurred in the DHD procedure. Therefore, the evaluation results obtained by the traditional DHD technique can have accuracy problem. When residual stress is large, the problem is serious because the area which deform plastically. In this study, the residual stress evaluation method considering the effect of plastic deformation was proposed. In addition, the method was applied to residual stress evaluation in FE analysis. As a result, the proposed method could evaluate a residual stress field better than traditional method.
