Intergranular Stresses of Austenitic Stainless Steel due to Plastic Deformation
鈴木 賢治 Kenji SUZUKI 菖蒲 隆久 Takahisa SHOBU
Austenitic Stainless Steelcos2 χ methodInter-granular StrainMicro-stressPlastic deformationX-Ray Stress Measurement
The plate specimen of austenitic stainless steel was prepared, and a plastic strain of 2.8% was applied to the specimen under uniaxial tension. The residual stresses of the specimen were measured by cos2 χ method using 2 2 0, 4 0 0, 3 3 1, and 6 2 0 lattice planes. For lattice planes with a lower atomic density, the 2θ-cos2 χ diagram showed an upward warp. For lattice planes with a higher atomic density, the 2θ-cos2 χ diagram showed a downward warp. This phenomenon was caused by intergranular strains. The strain distribution for each lattice plane was measured in the direction from 0° to 180° with a step of 5°. As a result, the strain of the lattice plane for a low atomic density balanced with that for a high atomic density in the directions of a principal stress and a principal shearing stress.