溶接金属部のX線的弾性定数の異方性を考慮した X線回折法による溶接残留応力評価

Evaluation of residual stress in weld metal by X-ray diffraction method in consideration of the anisotropy of the X-ray elastic constant
辻 明宏 Akihiro TSUJI 岡野 成威 Shigetaka OKANO 望月 正人 Masahito MOCHIZUKI
カテゴリ: 第10回


Abstract In this study, we focused on the singular weld residual stress distribution could be seen when we evaluated by X-ray dif fraction method. We used specimens welded under two heat input conditions, and so the weld metal of each specimen had a different solidification structure. In the specimen that had martensite in weld, the weld metal showed a clear difference between the resi dual stresses in longitudinal direction and transverse direction. However, in the specimen that had bainitic-ferrit in weld, res idual stresses in longitudinal direction and transverse direction were almost the same value. So we evaluated the X-ray elastic c onstant of the weld on each specimen by four-point bending test. In the specimen that had bainitic-ferrit in weld, measured X-ray elastic constant had anisotropy, and that in longitudinal direction was different with estimated value by Kroner model. As concl usions, we could evaluate residual stress in weld more correctly by considering of the anisotropy of the X-ray elastic constant.
