L モードガイド波による配管減肉の位置と深さ推定..
Estimation of the Pipe Wall Thinning Configuration Based on Velocity Dispersions of Longitudinal Guided Wave
中島 大岳 Hirotaka NAKAJIMA 古澤 彰憲 Akinori FURUSAWA 小島 史男 Fumio KOJIMA
Dispersion CurveFACGroup VelocityLongitudinal ModeStructure Health Monitoring
The aim of this work presented here is to demonstrate the method for estimating the pipe wall thinning configuration: location, width, depth of pipe wall thinning in straight pipe based on velocity dispersions of longitudinal guided wave. First, group velocity dispersion curve is derived from frequency equation. Second, group velocity of longitudinal guided wave is analyzed using guided wave simulator for pipe with notch-shaped and ellipse-shaped circular pipe wall thinning. Finally, method for estimating depth of pipe wall thinning is proposed by comparing with group velocity between simulation result and analytical value. Issues concerning the implementation of the method are discussed. Result shows that our method is applicable for shape identification with ultrasonic guided wave.