EMAT を用いたガイド波送受信機構の解析

Analysis of transmit-receive mechanism of EMAT for the guided wave
古澤 彰憲 Akinori FURUSAWA 森川 惇 Atsushi MORIKAWA 小島 史男 Fumio KOJIMA
カテゴリ: 第11回


Abstract This paper is concerned with transmit-receive mechanism of the electromagnetic ultrasonic tran sducer (EMAT) for the guided wave. First, the three-dimensional guided wave propagation simulator is de veloped. This simulator calculates the particle velocity from the force which are excited by EMATs with FDTD method. Second, configuration of EMATs is designed based on our study of the excitation mechanism of an EMAT, in order to transmit and receive the longitudinal mode (L-mode) or the torsional mode (T-mo de) guided wave. Finally, we developed the guided wave transmit-receiving system using EMATs and confir med performance of this system with comparing between the results of laboratory experiments and the si lation results. These experiments were to transmit and receive the L-mode and the T-mode guided wave.
