もんじゅ」原子炉容器 ISI システムの開発

Development of ISI system for FBR MONJU reactor vessel
田川 明広 Akihiro TAGAWA 岡本 久彦 Hisahiko OKAMOTO 上田 雅司 Masashi UEDA 山下 卓哉 Takuya YAMASHITA
カテゴリ: 第3回


This paper describes the development of a new inspection robot and support system used for the in-service inspection (ISI) of the reactor vessel of the FBR MONJU. The inspection is carried o ut using a CCD camera for visual tests and an EMAT for volumetric tests at elevated temperature (200 degree C) and high irradiation dose condition (10Sv/hr). The applicability of a commercia l CCD camera and an EMAT have been confirmed by experiments under severe conditions. In addition, reduction of the robot weight from 47kg to 34kg is achieved by optimization of all parts in the robot, these results in a reduction of wear and replacement frequency of tires. A performance improvement with EMAT was attained by a new magnet arrangement and a signal treatment method.
