溶融燃料によるMCCI 反応とコアキャッチャーの開発

Molten Core Concrete Interaction and Development of Core Catcher
奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 宮脇 大地 Daichi MIYAWAKI 千葉 豪 Go CHIBA 辻 雅司 Masashi TSUJI マルタ シルベスター Marta Z. Sylwester
カテゴリ: 第11回


Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident would be terminated, if sufficient accident countermeasures, such as water proof door, mobile power, etc. In case of Europe, it had already recommended to install core catcher from the lessons of Chernobyl Accidents. In this paper we introduce simplified core catch by using core catcher that used Basalt. Hokkaido University has tested the simplified core catcher, by using thermite process. We found that molten thermite debris and concrete interaction make concrete to erode on its surface. We also tested several ceramics such as SiC etc., to find suitable materials. But the ceramics was broken by thermal shock. Among these materials we recommend the Basalt for the material of the core catcher.
