
Development of Back-Fill System for Water Level Measurement Drift
奈良林 直 (東工大) 倉 佑希 (北海道電力) 山本 康功 千葉 豪 (北海道大)
カテゴリ: 第15回


In Fukushima accident on 2011, molten core supposed to be leaked on the concreate floor in containment vessel. After the loss of both the emergency core cooling system and IC core cooling, primary containment vessel (PCV) pressure increased. Water level measurement drifted because of water evaporation in the reference leg. Radiation level increased at a turbine building (T/B). There was a hydrogen explosion the after suppression chamber (S/C) wet venting. Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP) code analysis results and actual data suggest that depressurization of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) began before its bottom failed. The data shows that the measured water level measurement drifted by more than 4 m owing to water loss in the reference leg. This is likely to have been caused by the high-temperature superheated core. Water should have been supplied to the water level reference leg through instrumentation piping. The system is named the back fill system. The system test was conducted and succeeded the recovery of water level gage. Keywords: Severe Accidents, Core debris, Concreate, Water Level Gauge Drift, High temperature, Back Fill System

