
Nuclear Safety Assessment of Nuclear Operating Plants after Fukushima No.1 NPS Tsunami Accident
宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 出町 和之 Kazuyuki DEMACHI 荒井 滋喜 Shigeki ARAI
カテゴリ: 第11回


In view of the severe consequences of TEPCO’s Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident, a new framework for the continuous enhancement of severe accident management (for beyond design basis accidents involving significant fuel damage) should be established for the operation of existing plants in Japan. Preparedness and response measures for addressing extreme natural disasters as large-scale earthquakes and tsunamis, and for other severe accident initiators should be formulated quickly, properly, and in good sequence, with account taken on design and siting conditions, etc., of each plant. No measure in any industry will warrant 100% safety regardless of the completeness of the measure, always associated with some risk or uncertainties. The measures are developed for t he purpose of minimizing the level of risk. This should be communicated to the public in gaining understanding and establishing consensus on the benefit of nuclear power generation.
