高速増殖原型炉「もんじゅ」の保全の在り方 ‐「もんじゅ」保全の特徴と軽水炉保全経験の反映‐

Principles of MONJU Maintenance - Characteristic of MONJU maintenance and reflection of LWR maintenance experience to FBR-
仲井 悟 Satoru NAKAI 西尾 竜一 Ryuichi NOSHIO 内橋 昌也 Masaya UCHIHASHI 金子 義久 Yoshihisa KANEKO 山下 裕宣 Hironobu YAMASHITA 青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI
カテゴリ: 第11回


A sodium cooled fast breeder reactor (FBR) has unique systems and components and different degradation mechanism from light water reactor (LWR) so that need to establish maintenance technology in accordance with its features. The examination of the FBR maintenance technology is carried out in the special committee for considering the maintenance for Monju established in the Japan Society of Maintenology (JSM). As a result of the study such as extraction of Monju maintenance feature, maintenance technology benchmark between Monju and LWR components and survey of LWR maintenance experience, it is clear that principles of maintenance are same as LWR, necessity of LWR maintenance experience reflection and points to be considered in Monju maintenance. The road map to establish a FBR maintenance technology in the technical aspect became clear and it is vital to acquire operation and maintenance experience of the plant to implement this road map, and to establish a fast reactor maintenance.
