疲労き裂面の酸化被膜とマルテンサイト相の 渦電流試験への影響評価

Influence of eddy current testing of martensitic phase and oxide fillings in fatigue cracks
浦山 良一 Ryoichi URAYAMA 封 浩 Hao FENG 内一 哲哉 Tetsuya UCHIMOTO 高木 敏行 Toshiyuki TAKAGI
カテゴリ: 第10回


Eddy current testing (ECT) has been widely used for the non-destructive testing of metal structures. ECT has high capability of detecting surface breaking cracks and length sizing in nuclear power plants. However, it is known there is the error in the evaluation of the depth of the crack. Martensitic phase occurs due to the stress of crack in the vicinity of the crack and oxide layer of crack surface can affect the evaluation of crack depth. In this study, we assess the influence that impact these factors have on the sizing depth. Specifically, fatigue crack of different depths is introduced on the specimen of SUS316 by the four-point bending and an oxide film is progressed by heat treatment to evaluate the effect of the sizing. Further, martensitic phase in the vicinity of cracks is removed by heat treatment for reverse magnetic martensite to evaluate the effect on the sizing.
