
Detection of embedded fatigue cracks in weld overlay and evaluation of minimum thickness of the weld by means of eddy current testing
遊佐 訓孝 Noritaka YUSA ラディスラブ ヤノーセック Ladislav JANOUSEK ミハイ レビカン Mihai REBICAN 陳 振茂 Zhenmao ZHEN 宮 健三 Kenzo MIYA 千種 直樹 伊藤 肇 Hajime ITO
カテゴリ: 第2回


Abstract: This study evaluates the applicability of eddy current testing to the detection and sizing of fatigue cracks embedded in Inconel weld overlay. Welded plate specimens, which model head penetration welds and their weld overlay, are fabricated, and fatigue cracks are artificially introduced into the specimens. Eddy current inspections are performed using a uniform eddy current probe driven with 10 kH z, and all of the fatigue cracks are detected with clear signals. Subsequent numerical inversions estimate the minimum thicknesses of the weld overlay are 1.47, 2.17, and 2.23 mm, whereas true thicknesses revealed through destructive testing are 1.51, 3.25, and 2.10 mm, respectively. Whereas potential drop testing and ultrasonic testing are also performed, eddy current testing provides the best estimation.
