Insulation Performance of Safety-related Cables for Boiling Water Reactors during and after High Temperature Steam Exposure
皆川 武史 (原子力規制庁 早稲田大) 池田 雅昭 (原子力規制庁) 平井 直志 大木 義路 (早稲田大)
accidentelectrical insulation resistanceethylene propylene diene rubbernuclear power plantsilicone rubber
Safety-related low voltage cables used in nuclear power plants are required to maintain their specified electrical insulating function(s) under accident conditions. To examine the electrical insulation behavior of the cables under the accident conditions, two types of cables were tested in accordance with the procedure prescribed in “The Guide for Ageing Evaluation of Cables for Nuclear Power Plants”. That is, the cables were first pre-aged by simultaneous thermal and radiation conditions and then irradiated to simulate the radiation exposure during the accidents. They were subsequently subjected to steam exposure at 171 °C for 14 days or at 200 °C for 7 days. Electrical insulation performance was tested during and after the steam exposure. As a result, all the cables could withstand the voltage required in the final functional test in JIS C 3005: 2000. However, it was found that the insulation resistance per meter of the cable during the steam exposure fell to as low as 104-105 ?m in two conditions.