曲面形状に対応するビーム制御方式フェーズドアレイ 超音波探傷技術の検証および試験適用

Verification and Application of Beam Steering Phased Array UT Technique for Complex Structures
山本 摂 Setsu YAMAMOTO 三浦 崇広 Takahiro MIURA 千星 淳 Jun SEMBOSHI 落合 誠 Makoto OCHIAI 三橋 忠浩 Tadahiro MITSUHASHI 安達 弘幸 Hiroyuki ADACHI 山本 智 Satoshi YAMAMOTO
カテゴリ: 第10回


Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) techniques for complex geometries are greatly progressing. We developed an immersion PAUT which is suitable for complex surface profiles such as nozzles and deformed welded areas. Furthermore, we have developed a shape adaptive beam steering technique for 3D complex surface structures with conventional array probe and flexible coupling gel which makes the immersion beam forming technique usable under dry conditions. This system consists of 3 steps. Step1 is surface profile measurement which based on 3D Synthesis Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT), Step2 is delay law calculation which could take into account the measured 3D surface profiles and steer a shape adjusted ultrasonic beam, Step3 is shape adjusted B-scope construction. In this paper, verification results of property of this PAUT system using R60 curved specimen and nozzle shaped specimen which simulated actual BWR structure.
