可搬型 950keVXバンドライナック X 線源による非破壊検査の実証研究

Study on Portable X-band 950keV linac X-ray Sourcefor On-site Nondestructive Inspection
金 明 Ming JIN 藤原 健 Takeshi FUJIWARA 朱 海寿 Haitao ZHU 土橋 克広 Katsuhiro DOBASHI 出町 和之 Kazuyuki DEMACHI 上坂 充 Mitsuru UESAKA 草野 譲一 Joichi KUSANO 山本 昌志 Masashi YAMAMOTO 中村 直樹 Naoki NAKAMURA 田辺 英二 Eiji TANABE 三浦 到 Itaru MIURA 服部 行也 Yukiya HATTORI
カテゴリ: 第9回


Our portable X-band (9.3GHz) 950KeV linac has been successfully upgraded. The problems of RF power oscillation , beam current oscillation and reduction and finally lack of X-ray intensity were solved by replacing the axia l coupling cavities with the side-coupled ones. Designed X-ray dose rate of 0.05 Sv/min@lm is going to be achi eved. Length of the accelerating tube is reduced to less than 25 cm. X-ray source part with the local radiation shielding is connected by the flexible waveguide with the box of the 210 kW magnetron and cooling unit. The tot al system consists of the three suit-case-size units, the last of which is one for the electric power supply. E ven on-line dynamic transmission imaging is available by using the high intensity X-ray camera. Demonstration of the measurement of wall thinning of metal pipes with thick thermal shielding has been successfully finished.
