Analysis of comparison between the codes of nuclear and thermal power plantfor improving pipe wall thinning management
鈴木 翔太 Shota SUZUKI 中村 隆夫 Takao NAKAMURA
BWRFACpipe wall thinning managementplant life cycle managementPWRthermal power plant
Abstract: The pipe rupture accident by FAC (Flow Accelerated Corrosion) at Mihama Unit3 of The Kansai Electric Power Company made the Japanese utilities recognize the significance of pipe wall thinning in plant life cy cle management. In Japanese PWR, BWR, and thermal power plant, the pipe wall thinning is managed under individual codes. This paper studies the differences of wall thinning management in the codes and their reasons cl early. Quantitative analysis is performed based on the data in the report of the accident at Mihama Unit3 and clarifies the importance of detailed inspection program of pipe wall thinning management. Allowable limit of local wall thinning in ASME codecase is also studied in order to confirm the merit to extend the residual life. Based on these studies the direction of future improvement in pipe wall thinning management is proposed.
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