新設原子力発電所に向けた技術革新による安全性の 合理的実現について

Technology Evolution for Nuclear New Build to realize Improved Safety in more Rational Ways
川村 愼一 木藤 和明 松浦 正義 (日立GE)
カテゴリ: 第17回


Safety of existing nuclear power plants has been enhanced by reflecting lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident. For nuclear new builds, safety can be further enhanced in more rational ways. Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy (HGNE) developed an ABWR design for the United Kingdom in which Fukushima lessons were reflected. Some additional safety improvements were identified and realized by using the results of full-scope probabilistic risk assessments. In addition, collaborating with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, HGNE is developing a small modular reactor design, which is called BWRX-300. In this design, reliability of the primary coolant pressure boundary is enhanced, and large and medium break LOCA can be mitigated in postulated design basis accidents. Plant systems are simplified and the size of the Primary Containment Vessel can be reduced significantly. As a result, reactor building volume per plant output can be reduced by half.
