2.4GHz 帯 ZigBee 電波と LAN による原子力発電所でのデータ伝送
DATA transmission by 2.4GHz radio frequency and LANfrom Nuclear Power Plant to office
辻 建二 Kenji TSUJI 増田 亮太 Ryota MASUDA 福井 琢也 Takuya HUKUI
LANportable systemrepeating functionsensor-terminalsleeping functionZigBee
Additional monitoring is occasionally done on suspicious equipment such as pumps, motors, valves and so on, when monitoring parameters are different from normal operation in Nuclear Power Plant If the suspicio us equipment is located in high radiation area, it is hard to arrange for the additional monitoring So, wireless data transmission system is desired And maintenance persons desire to watch the additional moni toring data in their office on P C We can enable to transfer the desired live data from sensors in NPP to the maintenance person's office, using by ZigBee system connected to LAN In order to enlarge the opera ting term, the battery for sensors is switched on or off by the signal related to sleeping function on ZigBee sensor terminal ZigBee, repeating function, sleeping function, LAN, portable system, sensor terminal