
Acoustic diagnosis Improves work safety and reliability of CBM
神保 吉秀 Yoshihide JIMBO 岸田 光博 Mitsuhiro KISHIDA 黒柳 克巳 Katsumi KUROYANAGI 堀田 治 Osamu HOTTA 肥田 茂 Shigeru HIDA
カテゴリ: 第7回


This paper describes study of effectiveness of applying acoustic diagnosis to CBM(Condition Based Maintenance). We usually measure data of vibration of rotating machines with accelerometer to monitor the condition of it. This work is dangerous because we put the accelerometer near the rotating shaft of the machines by hand. Therefore we tried the non-contact sensing using a microphone of acoustic diagnosis and checked the data. As a result, we got the enou gh data for the monitoring safely.When rotating machines have an anomaly, usually abnormal sounds can be heard first. After a while, vibration data goes over the criteria then we maintain the machines. We suggest that we first app ly acoustic diagnosis to the monitoring then change to vibration diagnosis after abnormal sounds are detected. At this time, we prepare for the maintenance of the machines. In this way, we can prepare for it much earlier than ever.
