8.16 宮城地震における女川原子力発電所1号機の設備診断調査状況について
Investigation of Equipment at Onagawa Unit1 after 8.16 Miyagi Offshore Earthquake
平川 知司 Tomoshi HIRAKAWA 秋葉 真司 Shinji AKIBA 鴇田 真孝 Masataka TOKITA
AgingDesign basis earthquakeEarthquake
Investigation of Equipment at Onagawa Unit1 after 8.16 Miyagi Offshore Earthquake
平川 知司 Tomoshi HIRAKAWA 秋葉 真司 Shinji AKIBA 鴇田 真孝 Masataka TOKITA
カテゴリ: 第3回
キーワードタグ:AgingDesign basis earthquakeEarthquake
All Units of Onagawa NPS were automatically shutdown by 8.16 Miyagi Offshore Earthquake. Seismic safety analysis and evaluation were made in response to the order by Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and the neighboring local government's demands after that event. As a result, it was confirmed that seismic s afety of each unit was kept to the seismic shakings of this 8.16 Miyagi Offshore Earthquake and Assumed Miyagi Offshore Earthquake, as well as seismic shaki ng for safety confirmation. In addition to that, Uniti, which is about 22 years old, was investigated especially on aging and no serious damage was observed.