原子炉配管の LRFD(荷重耐力係数設計)手法
Load and Resistance Factor Design For Piping of Nuclear Power Plant
高瀬 健太郎 Kentaro TAKASE 真木 紘一 Koichi MAKI 宮 健三 Kenzo MIYA 肥田 隆彦 Takahiko HIDA
ASMELRFDProbabilistic Properties of Load and Resistance
Load and Resistance Factor Design For Piping of Nuclear Power Plant
高瀬 健太郎 Kentaro TAKASE 真木 紘一 Koichi MAKI 宮 健三 Kenzo MIYA 肥田 隆彦 Takahiko HIDA
カテゴリ: 第2回
キーワードタグ:ASMELRFDProbabilistic Properties of Load and Resistance
A research project in ASME is developing a technical basis for reliability-based load and resistance factor design (LRFD) methods for piping in nuclear power plant. In LRFD, the probabilistic properties of load and resistance of components are taken into considerati on. There are several advantages in LRFD methods comparing to the traditional design methods based on the deterministic theory. In th is document theoretical basis of LRFD is discussed and the present research progress in ASME is reviewed based on the interim report.