福島事故に学んだ安全要件再定義への取組み ―女川サイトにおける基準津波の設定―

Safety Requisites’ Re-definitions in accordance with Fukushima Lessons - Design-base Tsunami for Onagawa Site -
若林 利明 平田 一穂 高橋 潤 竹内 祥一 (東北電力)
カテゴリ: 第15回


The dominant cause of the Fukushima accident is underestimation of natural hazards such as earthquake and tsunami. Therefore, when we evaluate safety at nuclear power station, we need to consider uncertainties of natural events. 2011 Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake (3.11 earthquake) on March 11, 2011 generated violent shake and massive tsunami, but all units of Onagawa nuclear power station achieved the cold shutdown avoiding major accident because of a lot of efforts to improve safety at the site. In this paper, we introduce about the outline of tsunami evaluation at the site considering the latest knowledge. In addition, we explain about the outline of raising the tsunami-wall based on the tsunami evaluation.
