科学的合理性と工学の判断 -リスク情報を活用した意思決定

Scientific Rationality and Engineering Decision Towards Risk-informed Decision Making
高田 毅士 (JAEA) 堀池 寛 (大阪大) 宮野 廣 (元法政大) 蛯沢 勝三 (保全学会)
カテゴリ: 第17回


This paper covers the recent decisions made by Osaka and Saga district courts, respectively, for Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at the Ohi NPP and Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at the Genkai NPP, and discusses the disputed points in determination of design basis ground motions to be used for seismic safety checking, which are regulated in Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) review guide. In the paper, the points in these decisions are clarified and the authors’ view regarding those points are presented, and finally the suggestions are made to keep scientific rationality and better accountability of engineering decisions for society. In conclusions, it is very important to show how decisions are made in clear logical manner against complex problem with large uncertainties in the current review process. The immediate use of annual exceedance probability of future ground motions is strongly recommended to improve accountability on treatment of uncertainty and robustness of engineering decision for society.
