電磁超音波法による遠隔監視検査ロボット: 検査デバイスの開発

Development of Remote Inspection Robot using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer
小島 史男 中本 裕之 (神戸大)
カテゴリ: 第15回


This report is concerned with construction of an inspection robot system. The system is assumed to be composed of a set of nondestructive inspection devices and an autonomous moving robot. The inspection devices are assumed to be set over the target materials used in remote large artifacts while the robot is expected to acquire test data and to supply sufficient energies. This report is devoted to development of inspection device using electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT). Guided wave inspection enables quick and long-range inspection of piping systems. In our study, the guided wave generated by EMAT is applied to piping system in remote locations. The guided wave simulator is developed for detecting the existence, location, and extent of corrosion. Some simulation studies are implemented to show the applicability and efficacy of the problem treated here.
