福島第一原子力発電所 第2/3号機 格納容器内部調査のための遠隔調査装置の開発と調査結果について

Development of Remotely-Operated Devices for Investigation Inside Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 and 3 and Survey Results
杉浦 鉄宰 清水 智得 小林 大治 坂本 直弥 久米 直人 畠山 誠 (東芝ESS/IRID)
カテゴリ: 第15回


At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, it is critical to (1) confirm the presence of fuel debris inside the PCV that could be melted fuel as a result of the hydrogen explosion followed by the accident; and (2) conduct in-depth investigations prior to decommissioning. However, the conditions inside the PCVs were unknown. Under this circumstance, International Research Institute for Nuclear decommissioning (IRID) and Toshiba ESS jointly developed devices that can access to the lower part of a PCV and conducted surveys to confirm the current status. Since the conditions for the surveys are different between the PCVs in Units 2 and 3, remotely-operated devices were developed for each unit. In addition, in order to fully understand the spatial conditions inside the pedestal, a spherical image was created for the Unit 2; and the three-dimensional data with SfM processing was restored for the Unit 3.
