新人プラント運転員に規定作業の遂行を身につけさせる トレーニングマニュアルに必要な要素の検討

Requirements of a training manual for acquiring basic ability with the exhaustive operation for novice plant operators : an exploratory study
山岡 晟造 Seizo YAMAOKA 五福 明夫 Akio GOFUKU 杉原 太郎 Taro SUGIHARA
カテゴリ: 第14回


In recent years, human resource development in the field of plant operation has become one of the major problems. The development of novice plant operators and core human resources is an important matter. However, it takes a large time and effort. This study aims at saving time and effort required for the human resource development by identifying requirements for novice plant operators to carry out exhaustive operation. In accordance with that, this study analyzes omissions of tasks in an operation experiment of a semi-scale thermal power plant emulator. The contents in omissions of tasks are task skipping, not pointing, not sitting on a chair in panel operations, and postponing tasks. The analysis results identify the details and factors of work that are hard to be fixed to novice plant operators. Furthermore, this study explores requirements of a training manual for acquiring basic ability with the exhaustive operation for them.
