配管減肉検査における非接触超音波センサの 適用性に関する基礎的検討

Feasibility study of non-contact ultrasonic sensor for pipe-wall thinning inspection of power plants
田村 明紀 Akinori TAMURA 河野 尚幸 Naoyuki KONO 大城戸 忍 Shinobu OKIDO Chenghuan ZHONG Erik FABRE AnthonyJ. CROXFORD D. WILCOX
カテゴリ: 第14回


A pipe-wall thinning measurement is one of key inspections to ensure the integrity of the piping system in power plants. Since the pipes of the power plants are covered with insulation, the removal of the insulation, which is time-consuming process in general, is required for the pipe-wall thinning inspection. We have been developing an innovative measurement technology, which enable the pipe-wall thinning inspection without removing the insulation, based on the non-contact ultrasonic sensor proposed by University of Bristol. In this study, we have experimentally confirmed feasibility of the non-contact ultrasonic sensor to the pipe-wall thinning inspection.
