六ヶ所再処理工場における各種設備アズビルト情報の 3次元レーザー計測と設備保全への適用

3D Laser scanning system for facilities of as-built situation and it’s application for the maintenance of Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
源波 佑 Tasuku GENBA 久保田 紫乃 Shino KUBOTA 小栗 弘光 Hiromitsu OGURI 蝦名 哲成 Tetsunari EBINA 山本 光 Hikaru YAMAMOTO
カテゴリ: 第12回


In order to realize a long-term stable operation of Rokkasho reprocessing plant, 3D Laser Scanning System has been introduced to establish a database for the visualization of the latest as-built information of facilities since 2009. This database is processed and used for the some purpose of the plant preservation. Authors defined the specification of this system for the plant, introduced this for extraction of the latest information of facilities 、 and evaluated the effect when this Scanning System is applied for the confirmation of accessibility at maintenance , or for the engineering at the replacement of an equipment such as heat exchanger etc.
