Implementation applicability of piping inspection using electromagneticacoustic resonance
浦山 良一 Ryoichi URAYAMA 高木 敏行 Toshiyuki TAKAGI 内一 哲哉 Tetsuya UCHIMOTO 兼本 茂 Shigeru KANEMOTO 大平 拓 Taku OHIRA 菊池 貴好 Takayoshi KIKUCHI
EMARNDTpipe wall thinningsignal processingthickness measurement
Abstract The electromagnetic acoustic resonance (EMAR) method provides accurate and stable evaluation and its capability has been demonstrated through online monitoring using a large-scale corrosion test loop in oper ation at high temperature. This study applies EMAR with the signal processing method of the superposition of n'“ compression to the thickness evaluation of piping in a nuclear power plant during shutdown. Sections of piping evaluated by EMAR include those having long-term service, where thinning may produce scale-like surfaces, and those having complicated geometry. Moreover, measurement results obtained with EMAR and in ultraso nic testing are compared. The accuracy of the EMAR method depends on the pipe geometry, such as the pipe diameter and whether the pipe is straight or an elbow, the presence of welding, and complicated wall thinning.