東海再処理施設における海中放出管からの漏えいについて -海中放出設備及び漏えい事象概要-

Liquid leakage from the sea release pipe of the Tokai reprocessing plant -Summary of ocean-releasing facilities and the leak phenomenon -
野口 浩二 Kouzi NOGUTI 安尾 清志 Kiyoshi YASUO 瀬戸 信彦 Nobuhiko SETO 岩﨑 省悟 Shogo IWASAKI 伊波 慎一 Shinichi INAMI
カテゴリ: 第8回


At the Tokai reprocessing plant, release of the low radioactive waste liquid to the ocean is carried out using sea release facilities. It was found that there was a leak point on the sea release facilities. Therefore, surveillance and confirmation were performed and the leak point was identified. The leak part was cut and the part was then collected to investigate the cause of the leak. As a result, it was estimated that the leak oc curred after the pipe was mechanically damaged and a successive metallurgical changes occurred on the part. For this leak point, a series of works to investigate the cause was carried out in detail, the repair work was performed, and preventive measures were taken against recurrences. This paper describes the summary of the sea release facilities, the situation of the outbreak of the leak, and the process to confirm the leak point.
