
Relation between Hierarchy Structure of Maintenance and PDCA Management Cycle
織田 満之 Mitsuyuki ODA
カテゴリ: 第5回


Abstract: Maintenance activity, according to time basis, is considered as a series of the Inspection (Condition Monitoring) based on maintenance plan, the Analysis or Evaluation of the inspection result and the Corrective Action if necessary. These are called as “Fundamental Elements or Flo w of Maintenance” On the other hand, industrial management cycle is usually analyzed as a series of P.D.C.A. (“Plan-Do-Check-Action”). Relation between both series, especially focused on the Maintenance Plan and the Evaluation of Maintenance activity, are studied on this paper. At first wor k was started to develop them into several grades, such as component level, system level and plant level on hierarchy consideration. Result show that concept of the definition of “Maintenance plan” or “Evaluation of maintenance”, must be clearly classified on understanding of its grade as i ts individual achievement purpose. Hierarchy consideration can be applicable to not only above them, but also “Inspection” and “Corrective maintenance activity” as well. And finally the construction of overall “Maintenance activity” should be discussed on understanding of hierarchy concept.
