Evaluation System of Radiation Field and Exposure for Maintenance Support in Nuclear Power Plants
大賀 幸治 Yukiharu OHGA 福田 光子 Mitsuko FUKUDA
cohitachijpMaintenance SupportNuclear Power Plant E-mailohgaerlRadiation ExposureRadiation Field
Abstract A system has been developed to improve the efficiency of maintenance work while decreasing the radiation exposure of maintenance personnel in nuclear power plants. The input data for dose rate calculation a re automatically generated by using computer-aided design (CAD) data prepared in the plant design phase. The changes for the input data, such as installation of a radiation shield, are easily input on a graphical us er interface (GUI). The change of three-dimensional dose rate distribution is calculated rapidly according to the progress of maintenance work by a newly proposed algorithm. The dose rate distribution and the radia tion exposure are displayed three-dimensionally by color with plant components and pipings on the GUI. In this way, the system supports the maintenance personnel, and maintenance planning and radiation control jobs.