
Development of Remote Operation & Maintenance Support service system
山本 博樹 Hiroki YAMAMOTO 日隈 幸治 Koji HIGUMA 清水 俊一 Shinichi SHIMIZU 佐久間 正剛 Masatake SAKUMSA 園田 幸夫 Yukio SONODA 兼本 茂 Shigeru KANEMOTO
カテゴリ: 第1回


Abstract In operating of nuclear power plants, it is required not only to preserve and improve the reliability and safety, but also to introduce more efficient and lower cost maintenance strategy simultaneously, due to t he power trading deregulation in recent years. In addition, as the number of experienced operators / maintenance personnel decreases, comprehensive implementation of objective and transparent information provision syste m on plant operation and maintenance (O&M) being compliant with the law and further refinement of various plant O&M business, is now highly expected. In order to deal with such situations and requirements, TOSHIBA, as th e plant manufacturer, has started the remote O&M service called the e-TOPS (e-Toshiba Operating Plant Service) for operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants, making full use of the latest information technology.
