
Analysis of Tendency on Adverse Events Occurred at Overseas Nuclear Power Plants in 2003
宮崎 孝正 Takamasa MIYAZAKI 佐藤 正啓 Masahiro SATO 高川 健一 Kenichi TAKAGAWA 伏見 康之 Yasuyuki FUSHIMI 島田 宏樹 Hiroki SHIMADA
カテゴリ: 第1回


Abstract Adverse events that have occurred at overseas nuclear power plants can be studied to provide an indication of how to improve the safety and the reliability of nuclear power plants in Japan. The Institute of Nuclear Safety Systems (INSS) obtains all information related to overseas adverse events and incidents at power stations, evaluates them in an attempt to prevent similar occurrences in Japanese PWR plants, and proposes recommendations to Japanese PWR utilities. Through su ch INSS evaluation activity, approximately 2800 pieces of information were evaluated in 2003. This report shows a summary of the results of evaluation activity and an analysis of tendency based on individual event analysis carried out in 2003. The analysis of tendency is undertaken from the viewpoint of Mechanics, Electrics, Instruments and Computers, and Operation, to the basic causes, countermeasures, equipment failure and the possible of lessons learnt from overseas adverse events. adverse event, incident, nuclear power plant, anal ysis of tendency, analysis of trend, event analysis
