核燃料物質使用施設の高経年化リスク評価手法の開発 (1)リスク評価フローの検討

Development of risk assessment method to cope with an aging degradation for the facilities using nuclear material. (1) Risk assessment flow of equipments
玉置 裕一 磯﨑 涼佑 鈴木 隆太 赤田 雅貴 澤幡 哲司 米澤 諒真 鈴木 尚 坂本 直樹 水越 保貴 (JAEA)
カテゴリ: 第17回


The five post-irradiation examination facilities in the Oarai Research and Development Institute of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency have been operated for over 40 years in order to investigate the irradiation performance and physicochemical characteristics of nuclear fuels and materials for fast reactors. The equipments associated with these facilities have been managed to maintain secure from the problems that occurred in the process of aging. Therefore, we established a safety assessment method for aging facilities in 2002, and we have been conducting maintenance management of facilities since then. In this study, designing risk assessment flow is considered in order to solve the issues detected as a result of analysis based on the experience of the repairment during the periodic safety review monitoring.
