多核種高除染性空気浄化システム開発による作業被曝低減化研究 (1)全体計画

Development of a high efficiency multi-nuclide aerosol filters for radiation protection during a process of cutting core debris (1) Plan of this project
奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 増田 隆夫 Takao MASUDA 中坂 佑太 Yuta NAKASAKA 千葉 豪 Go CHIBA 佐藤 修彰 Nobuaki SATO 秋山 大輔 Daisuke AKIYAMA
カテゴリ: 第13回


By using the FCVS technology, we had started to develop a high decontamination air cleaning system to remove multi-nuclides for radiation protection to conduct decommissioning the Fukushima NPP (Fig. 17). Development of high efficiency multi-nuclide aerosol filters for radiation protection during a process of cutting core debris at Hokkaido University. A plasma cutter, laser cutter, wire cutter, drilling machine, etc., will be used and will generate aerosols. Therefore, the air cleaning system should be needed for removing core debris. In order to develop an air clean up system for radiation protection during a cutting core debris of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP as a process of their decommissioning, a high efficiency filters will be developed, such as a wet-type aerosol filter, a metal fiber filter and a silver zeolite.
