
Study on Rapid Wastage due to Liquid Droplet Impingement on Heat Transfer Tube in SG of Fast Breeder Reactor
加藤 慶輔 Keisuke KATO 奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 辻 雅司 Masashi TSUJI 千葉 豪 Go CHIBA 大島 宏之 Hiroyuki OHSHIMA 栗原 成計 Akikazu KURIHARA 内堀 昭寛 Akihiro UCHIBORI
カテゴリ: 第10回


Wastage phenomena occur when a heat transfer tube is failed in a Steam Generator (SG) of Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) and its mechanism is still unexplained. We focused on Liquid Droplet Impingement Erosion (LDIE) as a factor of the wastage phenomena and performed a basic study with a partial mock-up water test simulating a piping group in SG for quantitative evaluation of LDIE. First, we did visualization tests of high pressure and high speed jet into water. The test section consists of a failure heat transfer tube and neighboring sound transfer tubes. Long slit, circular/rectangular holes were used as failure conditions. Upstream pressure and vapor temperature were 0.3MPa and about 300K, respectively. Second, we carried out pressure and temperature measurement tests under the same test conditions as described above. We evaluated steam jet behaviors using these two tests results. In addition, we performed numerical simulations of the tests with a multi-phase and multi-component analysis code SERAPHIM.
