原子力規制検査の効率的運用および検査官の能力向上等に関する 調査研究 その1
Research on the efficient operation of nuclear regulatory inspections and the improvement of inspectors' abilities Part1
江藤 淳二 杉野 弘樹 小野寺 将規 藤山 翔乃 中島 清 義澤 宣明 鈴木 清照 (三菱総研)
inspectornuclear regulatory inspectionperformance-basedreactor oversight processrisk-informed
Regarding the nuclear regulatory inspection system that came into effect in April 2020, the authors conducted a questionnaire and interview surveys with NRA staff involved in inspection work for the purpose of improving inspection capability and efficient operation of inspections. As a result of the investigation, it became clear that the inspector's conceptual understanding of nuclear regulatory inspection has permeated. In particular, it was confirmed that the understanding of the four concepts of nuclear regulatory inspection (performance-based, risk- informed, free access and corrective action program) is widely spread to inspectors. Based on the results of this survey, the authors recommended that efforts that contribute to improving the competence of individual inspectors in practice should be strengthened as a future task.