原子力規制検査の効率的運用および検査官の能力向上等に関する 調査研究 その2
Research on the efficient operation of nuclear regulatory inspection system and inspectors' capabilities Part 2
杉野 弘樹 江藤 淳二 小野寺 将規 藤山 翔乃 中島 清 義澤 宜明 鈴木 清照 (三菱総研)
inspectors' competencenuclear regulatory inspection systemperformance-basedreactor oversight processrisk-informed
Regarding the nuclear regulatory inspection system that came into effect in April 2020, we conducted a questionnaire survey and interview survey with NRA staff involved in inspection activities for the purpose of improving inspection competence and efficient operation of inspection system. As a result of the survey, it became clear that the inspectors' understanding of the concept of nuclear regulatory inspection system was pervasive, while improvements related to the improvement of the inspector's competence and the operation of the inspection system were extracted. In this paper, based on the survey results and the opinions of experts, we proposed measures to continuously improve the inspection system, points to keep in mind in future surveys, and survey methods to grasp the practical abilities of individual inspectors.